

The Secretariat of RENPER5 is calling for abstracts for an oral presentation. The paper will be reviewed and selected on the basis of relevance to the themes of the conference and their potential for generating discussion. Papers will be written in English. Presenters are invited to submit their abstracts with the registration forms to by 30 June 2014.


  • Education
  • Sociality (rural areas, rural poverty, urbanization, urban poverty ...)
  • Economics, Finance, Credit, Banking ... supporting for poverty eradication
  • Agriculture
  • Culture
  • Environment and sustainable development
  • Government Initiatives in poverty eradication
  • Contribution of international organizations and NGOs in poverty eradication


Please provide an abstract with not more than 250 words on A4 paper in a single-spaced format using 12-pt Times New Roman font and save it as Microsoft Word file. Please include the following items:


A concise title that you would like to be printed in the programme book and/or used for the proceedings.

Keywords: not more than 5.

Authors and Presenters:

Name/title of author(s). The presenter should be indicated.


Name of the Institution represented by author(s). The contact address of the presenter should be indicated.